Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Screening subjects, 3/24/2008

Here is reference information on the pieces that were screened in class:

Bruce Nauman
Performance Corridor

Peter Campus
Three Transitions

Andy Warhol
Outer and Inner Space

Marina Abramovic
Art Must Be Beautiful, The Artist Must Be Beautiful
Video: YouTube
Audio: http://www.moca.org/wack/?p=261

Amy O'Neill Reel


Woody Allen
What's Up, Tiger Lily? (exerpt)

Monday, March 24, 2008

Video Art: Chapter 2

"Performative influences will only grow stronger as artists of our era continue to concentrate on ideas more than materials. Materials are in service to ideas, which makes materials, even video, secondary concerns in the practice of art."

Michael Rush, in Chapter 2

Video Art: Chapter 1

"In this art-historical view of the development of Video art it is necessary to understand what was going on in the rest of then contemporary art .... Artists used language, photography, film, video, slides and performances to express their ideas. The forms may have shifted, but this attitude prevails today: materials are at the disposal of the artist. It is not the artist's job to conquer paint, or metal, or marble. The interdisciplinary nature of art work, particularly the incorporation of photography, performance and dance into the visual arts, heightened artists' awareness of time, so that time actually became a medium, especially in the form of video."

Michael Rush, in Chapter 1